The Community Center is available for small group use only.
Amenities include: 450 square feet, an efficiency kitchen, CD player, filtered water service, folding tables and chairs, massage tables, white boards and markers, student cubicles, and restrooms. See full description and prices on our About page. Pricing: $25 an hour $150 a day (5-8 hours; additional hours at $25/hour) 2+ consecutive days at $135 a day (8-hour days; additional hours at $25/hour) Scheduling is on a first come, first serve basis. Reserve 30 minutes before and 30 minutes after your event for set-up and break-down time. You will be sent a form and contract to fill out and an invoice to return with a check for the entire amount due. Note: This fee is not refundable. If the contract & check have not been received within 7 days, the reservation will be removed from the calendar. |
Terms & Conditions
Each practitioner sets their own terms and conditions. Generally, sessions range from one to two hours. This may include the intake session, bodywork and session feedback. Be prepared to fill out a health history form at your first session. Most practitioners require twenty-four hour notice to cancel an appointment. Speak with individual practitioners regarding session charges. Most practitioners will require clients to pay for an appointment that is not cancelled without twenty-four hour notice. Most practitioners require payment upon session completion. Please make your check payable to the individual practitioner. Although these practitioners are located in the same office, they are separate businesses and are not in partnership with Health Touch NC LLC or with each other. |